Flash fiction: Sleepwalker


On the first morning, Helen woke shivering on the bathroom mat. She was naked, her knees tucked into her chest. On the second she still had her pyjamas on, but this time she was squashed in a corner of the hall. And on the third she woke under the magnolia, a petal cupping her cheek. Her feet were muddy and when she returned to the house the front door was open. In the afternoon she drove into town and bought a video camera to catch herself sleepwalking . The next day when she played it back she saw no one. Her bed was empty.


This is a Friday Fictioneers story. 100 (or so) writers writing 100-words (or so) inspired by the picture above (supplied this week by Madison Woods.) Join in or read some more stories.


Vote for Our Endless Numbered Days in the Edinburgh First Book Prize, and you could win a copy of all 56 books.

45 thoughts on “Flash fiction: Sleepwalker

  1. Healthy dose of creepy first thing this morning. You gave me the shivers, and left me wanting more. I haven’t read much horror in recent years but this brought back the fun of being safely terrified. Well done.


  2. The ways she finds herself when she wakes, dressed, naked, with Magnolia petals… all that makes this extra intriguing. Great story.


  3. Sleepwalking is an interesting place to go. The thought has always creeped me out (although I’ve never been one who sleepwalks.) Well done. (I went to the Edinburgh First Book Prize site and voted for you, of course! I absolutely love your book.)


  4. A little camera shy, I guess.
    Our son was a sleep walker. My wife would place furniture in front of the doors. At least then if he moved them it would wake us up.
    I loved the ending. Great job, Claire.


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