Flash Fiction: Now we are the same


For two nights and a day they bloomed. Filling the world’s skies with light and apparently, sound. We sat on the playground, our faces turned skyward. The greatest firework display on earth our teachers said, their mouths round with each flowery burst. We watched late-night television in the common room, the hands explaining physicists’ and UFO experts’ theories, prophets’ and doctors’ warnings. And the doom-mongers’ threats: don’t watch, the lights will blind.

Too late they learned: it wasn’t the lights, but the noise.  They say the world is disabled; but we sign that now we are all the same: deaf.


Listen to me read this story:


This is a 100-word (exactly) flash fiction, part of the Friday Fictioneers group, hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week’s picture is supplied by Vijaya Sundaram. Click here to write your own 100-word story, or here to read others inspired by the same picture.


35 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Now we are the same

  1. I don’t know why, but it surprised me that you did a sci-fi take on this. Somehow I hadn’t seen that as your genre, but you did it very well. Like all good sci-fi it’s an allegory and makes us think about the world we really do inhabit. Really well done, Claire. I loved this

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is so easy to take things for granted. I had a little moan to my husband about having to walk back home from the station recently rather than take a taxi, and he pointed out that one day we might not be able to walk and will have to take a taxi, so we should walk now while we have the choice.


  2. That’s a great take and interesting SF story. Several generations of deaf people… their (hopefuly hearing) children will have to learn to be tolerant of people who are different from them. And maybe that’s the reason for it all.

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  3. What a great story. So beautifully told too. Love the twist that the fireworks make the world deaf (instead of blind as in Day of the Triffids), that it’s a disability that levels society. Loved it. Maybe you should stray into sci-fi more often … 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. A good sci-fi story, Claire. My dad had a friend who’s son went deaf from serving in a submarine during WWII. I think half of this country may go deaf if they aren’t already. The fireworks go on for days, they play drums of all sizes in the parades and turn the outside and inside speakers up to full volume for the music. The walls of houses have been known to vibrate when parades pass. People can’t seem to change even though warned. Excellent writing as always. —- Suzanne


  5. I like your take on this a lot, Claire! The science-go element is subtly done, and the focus on loss of hearing is a nice shift away from the more predictable aspects of such a scenario.

    (Sorry to read this so late. Been having computer issues, and am now tying this on my cellphone!)

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