Flash Fiction: Trashish


For twenty years we keeps our Old-Land items in a compartray. Bits of trashish, we always thinks.  Jims takes them to look and say when he was youngone, and even the robo-teach laugh. Sighs. We surely have lose some or else were suck away through the HousHoove.

My GranUncle says the odds and bits came off a beach.

‘What’s beach?’ I says.

‘A place beside the sea.’ he says.

‘Sea?’ I says.

‘Lots of water,’ he says. ‘No MeasureDripTM back then.’

‘Sighs,’ I says.

Jims takes the trashish to Antiquated Fly-way Show. Turns up they’re worth 230k Eurodolls. Wowsbows!


A few weeks ago Neil MacDonald challenged me to write a funny, or at least happy Friday Fictioneers. Sorry, Neil, but this is the closest I could get! This week the picture selected by Rochelle is one of mine (thank you!). Click here to write your own 100-word story inspired by the picture, or click here to read other people’s.


I recently interviewed my literary agent about her job. Click here to find out what makes her heart sink when she reads a manuscript submission.

67 thoughts on “Flash Fiction: Trashish

  1. Well, I don’t think it’s unhappyexactly – sort of in the middle somewhere. At least life and relationships are continuing and Jims made a killing when he sold them! Love the language, Claire -you’re created a whole new lingo, making it familiar enough so we know what the character means and odd enough so we know they’re some distance removed from us. A cracking story.
    Loved your agent interview too – very interesting and enlightening 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Really enjoyed this piece- I’m in awe of what you did with just 100 words! I said “Sighs,” after reading it to husband! Thanks for sharing and what a great photo for inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Katherine. Sighs came after my husband said he heard some university students saying ‘lifestyle’ in the way that we might have said, ‘cool’, or simply ‘ok’. Words and language are such odd things.


  3. Wow, this couldn’t be further from what I expect from you. That’s good and bad I suppose. Made me think of that bloke who mixes his words up, Stanley Unwin. Still a bit flabbergasted. I need to lie down for a bit.


  4. Love the evolution (devolution?!) of our language! Boy, what I could do with 230k Eurodolls. Reminds me of the “dollarpounds” in Red Dwarf 🙂

    BTW I recommended “Our Endless Numbered Days” for my village book group and for once everyone agreed that it was a great read 🙂


  5. Science fiction, and funny: win. Your vision is darkish, the language is great and as sad as the Nomeasuredrip TM is, you had me rolling with the Eurodolls, the trashish and the Wowsbows. 😀 These are words to treasure and reuse. And thank you for the picture.


  6. Pingback: Friday Fictioneers – Memories | A Mixed Bag

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